About Us

Hi, my name is Anvensha. After my spiritual awakening, I was inspired to start focusing on my life purpose and connect with people who are facing certain issues in their lives and help them to guide towards their awakening process. Since then, I’ve had the honor of meeting and sharing my wisdom and be the open channel of God. With the launch of MagicalMysteryofTwinflames, I’ve condensed my services broadly into two parts - Readings and Healings.


Our mission is to foster a love of learning in your daily lives, through identifying your blocks and patterns and healing through them. Tarot Cards are an excellent way to identify these deep rooted blocks and patterns and moving towards a way forward in your life.

“Only love is real and love never fails”

Coaching is an excellent way to a commit to who you are. It’s a brave choice that you can make to love yourself unconditionally and learn to let go of your separation consciousness and come into union consciousness. Exactly how God created you in union with your Twin Flame.


Start you inner work journey today